Wednesday, March 28, 2012

5 Random Songs Wednesday

5 songs. Randomly.  My iphone.

Let's go!

1.Who loves you more | Phonte featuring Eric Roberson
Great song! I love the way Phonte tells a story.

2. Booty | Erykah Badu
Something like a anthem!  Badu is THE master. Go jam... My booty may be bigger...

3. Flamenco Sketches | Miles Davis
Beauty, found, claimed and loved. This song is everything I need.

4. Changed Man | Joe
Joe is a songwriter and story teller like no other. This song evokes emotion and makes you pray he gets his woman back.

5. Show me your glory | Karen Clark Sheard
Of course a Clark sister would end up on my list! One of my favorite vocalists of all time.. Karen Clark Sheard pleds for God to show is glory in this song. By the last 15 seconds.. I'm slain.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Love one another freely.
Call when you miss someone.
Never take any moment for granted.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Flats: The perfect shoe for the perfect day

I'm short. 4 foot 10 and a couple of centimeters.
That being said, I have rejected flats and their cuteness for a long time. I would be that girl rocking a 4 inch pair of pumps out.. just because I could. I'm comfy in pumps.
Well a few years ago.. I found this loveable pair of black flats (RIH) I wore them everywhere!
Now flats are all the rage, and I have become quite addicted to them.

Check out the faves I've rocked lately.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday Motivation | Be you!