Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Lupus, and you

Good Morning Everyone.. Today's post is health related. In honor of a really good friend, who is living and surviving with the disease. Be informed.
What is Lupus:
Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease that causes inflammation in various parts of the body, especially the skin, joints, blood, and kidneys. The disease can range from mild to life-threatening. Ninety percent of those diagnosed with lupus are females between ages 15 and 44, but lupus also occurs in males, children, and teens. Lupus can be very hard to diagnose because symptoms vary from person to person, can come and go, and can mimic symptoms of other illnesses.
Currently there is no cure for this disease.
Please take a moment to get information regarding your health and this disease that is impacting a large part of our community.
For free information about lupus, call the Lupus Foundation of America at 1-888-38-LUPUS.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Book Review: Act like a lady, Think like a man.

Recently, Comedian Steve Harvey wrote a # 1 best seller. Act like a lady, think like a man.
The book has been the hot topic of discussion for several of my single girlfriends. I love to read, I love Steve Harvey- so I decided to check it out. I have also chatted about the book with several of my married girlfriends, and we all agree that just because we are married, we still have a lot to learn about our men, and what we need to do to keep them and our marriages happy.
My thoughts- Steve is pretty much on point with the advice he is giving to ladies. I even went as far to ask my husband about a few of the lessons that he shares, and my husband agrees.
Steve breaks the book down into 3 parts:
1. The mind set of a man
2. Why men do what they do
3. The Playbook: How to win the game
Favorite points of the book:
Chapter 3- The 3 Things every man needs.
Steve breaks it down into 3 parts for us ladies. 1. Our Support. 2. Our Loyalty & 3. The Cookie (sex) I won't give all of the details away, but Steve does a great job of communicating to women these 3 things and how important they are to men.
Chapter 6- Sports Fish VS. Keepers
Steve uses these two "philosophies" to explain the different type of women that men encounter, and how they treat these women. Great chapter.
Chapter 8- Why Men Cheat
Steve lays out pretty much every reason why men cheat. Very interesting. Great points, and many women-married or single need to book mark this section if infidelity is an issue in relationships for them.
Chapter 10- The 5 Questions every woman should ask before she gets in too deep
Simply put- The business. In my opinion these 5 questions should be a requirement on a first date.
Chapter 11- The 90 Day Rule
This chapter was the main focus of a lunch discussion with a friend. If only we would have thought about the 90 day Rule a few years ago.
Chapter 15- Quick Answers to the questions you've always wanted to ask
Q&A section, it seems to be very straightforward, and very helpful.
All in all. I think Steve did a great job with book, I definitely picked up a few pointers to apply to my own marriage.
Go get it!

Friday, March 27, 2009

The Great Question... Babies

I'm a newlywed.

Why is it that once you get married, everyone wants to know the big question.. When are the babies coming? I ask why ask when? Can I enjoy my husband, and try to be a great wife before becoming supermom? Is that too much to ask!?
Oh.. the question.. Co workers ask it, family asks it, even strangers ask it. It's even become a bet between friends as to who will get pregnant first. I'm going with her. Did anyone even think that maybe I don't want to me a mom, that maybe my husband and I don't even want children? What if we couldn't have children? None of those apply to us at this moment, but it seems that some people are worried about my womb and when someone is going to move in. I'm fine really. Mommy hood is something I hope to experience one day. Just not TODAY.
My husband and I have talked about children several times, before getting engaged, after getting engaged, and pretty much every week since we've gotten married. We've decided to wait a few years before stepping into the minivan fast lane. I still have several things I want to do before devoting my time, energy, money, did I mention money into a little one.
Please, all mommy lovers out there: Let me at least have this time to enjoy my life as a wife first.
Ok.. I'm off my soap box.


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Musical Blessing: Album Review

I love music. I love to hear it, sing, watch others sing it or just be around it.

Recently I purchased the latest release from Donald Lawrence, Law of Confession, Part 1. Simply put, the album is amazing. He takes a lesson "Law of Confession" taught by his pastor and author Bill Winston, and uses it to inspire people to take the word of God and stand on it. From the beginning of the album with Back to Eden, Donald blesses us by teaches us to speak the word over your life, to trust that God is who he is and believe it. The album is a must buy for anyone. The concept of the album has truly helped me in my daily dealings with people, and life in general. Favorites include: There is a king in you, Back to Eden & Speak the word.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

First Post

old pic of me.. Enjoy!
I've decided to give blogging another try. I tried a few years ago, and never could stay on top of things. Now I'm ready to make a commitment. LOL. I'm serious. I've set a goal to update at least once a week.
Let's get it STARTED!

Who am I?: I'm Candace
Things I love.. singing, reading, writing, shopping and now blogging.
Status: Married, no kids
Favorite Quote: When you line your life up with God, and everything else falls into place.