Friday, March 27, 2009

The Great Question... Babies

I'm a newlywed.

Why is it that once you get married, everyone wants to know the big question.. When are the babies coming? I ask why ask when? Can I enjoy my husband, and try to be a great wife before becoming supermom? Is that too much to ask!?
Oh.. the question.. Co workers ask it, family asks it, even strangers ask it. It's even become a bet between friends as to who will get pregnant first. I'm going with her. Did anyone even think that maybe I don't want to me a mom, that maybe my husband and I don't even want children? What if we couldn't have children? None of those apply to us at this moment, but it seems that some people are worried about my womb and when someone is going to move in. I'm fine really. Mommy hood is something I hope to experience one day. Just not TODAY.
My husband and I have talked about children several times, before getting engaged, after getting engaged, and pretty much every week since we've gotten married. We've decided to wait a few years before stepping into the minivan fast lane. I still have several things I want to do before devoting my time, energy, money, did I mention money into a little one.
Please, all mommy lovers out there: Let me at least have this time to enjoy my life as a wife first.
Ok.. I'm off my soap box.


1 comment:

RahLa said...

I feel your pain dear! It's just a question that all people ask and I think it truly stems from the fact that most believe the only reason to get married is to procreate. It's hard for me because in my culture, there is no such things as a "honeymoon" period. The honeymoon period is definitely a more western thought. I have to remind my family and the in-laws that both DH and I were raised in America. It's a little different here. GL chica!