Saturday, March 28, 2009

Book Review: Act like a lady, Think like a man.

Recently, Comedian Steve Harvey wrote a # 1 best seller. Act like a lady, think like a man.
The book has been the hot topic of discussion for several of my single girlfriends. I love to read, I love Steve Harvey- so I decided to check it out. I have also chatted about the book with several of my married girlfriends, and we all agree that just because we are married, we still have a lot to learn about our men, and what we need to do to keep them and our marriages happy.
My thoughts- Steve is pretty much on point with the advice he is giving to ladies. I even went as far to ask my husband about a few of the lessons that he shares, and my husband agrees.
Steve breaks the book down into 3 parts:
1. The mind set of a man
2. Why men do what they do
3. The Playbook: How to win the game
Favorite points of the book:
Chapter 3- The 3 Things every man needs.
Steve breaks it down into 3 parts for us ladies. 1. Our Support. 2. Our Loyalty & 3. The Cookie (sex) I won't give all of the details away, but Steve does a great job of communicating to women these 3 things and how important they are to men.
Chapter 6- Sports Fish VS. Keepers
Steve uses these two "philosophies" to explain the different type of women that men encounter, and how they treat these women. Great chapter.
Chapter 8- Why Men Cheat
Steve lays out pretty much every reason why men cheat. Very interesting. Great points, and many women-married or single need to book mark this section if infidelity is an issue in relationships for them.
Chapter 10- The 5 Questions every woman should ask before she gets in too deep
Simply put- The business. In my opinion these 5 questions should be a requirement on a first date.
Chapter 11- The 90 Day Rule
This chapter was the main focus of a lunch discussion with a friend. If only we would have thought about the 90 day Rule a few years ago.
Chapter 15- Quick Answers to the questions you've always wanted to ask
Q&A section, it seems to be very straightforward, and very helpful.
All in all. I think Steve did a great job with book, I definitely picked up a few pointers to apply to my own marriage.
Go get it!

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