Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2012 : Songs to shape my year

HAPPY 2012!
Another year, new day, new mercies, new opportunites.
And of course since music is apart of my life its only apporiate that I start a list for 2012 of songs that well help me grow.
With that being said, the following is a list of songs to shape my 2012 these are in no particular order:

1. Your Latter Will Be Greater | Israel & New Breed
2. With my Whole Heart | Nolan Williams
3. Open The Sky | Lamar Campbell
4. Have Your Way | Karen Clark Sheard
5. Closer | Goapele
6. Hello Fear | Kirk Franklin
7. I Forgive You | Rachelle Ferrell

Each song on this list has a special meaning and will keep me closer to my goals, dreams and visions for 2012
All the BEST!


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