Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Break-Up: Part Two

Whoever said breaking up is hard to do, hit the nail on the head.
Breaking up with someone in my opinion no matter how long you were together is one of the hardest things that you can go through. From the tears, the evil words that were spoke, to the giving back of gifts, to the awkwardness of seeing each other out in public afterwards, breaking up generally just sucks. I've been through more than my share of few breaks-ups, and out of all of them I can remember walking away from only one of them thinking "Wow that was easier than I thought." The whole do-da just stinks.
The entire process of a break-up is physically, and mentally draining on everyone involved, heck its even draining on the folks that are trying to be supportive of the two or three (in some cases) people trying get on with their lives. Speaking of which, oh the supportive friend, let me tell you from experience, that is a HARD job to fill. In my experience it's either on one side you want your friend or family member to be happy or you just want it all to just end nice and quick. In some cases you want both.
Whatever side you are on know this.. breaking up with someone can changed your life for the better or for the worse- it's up to you to decide on how.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
