Saturday, May 30, 2009
True Compassion

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Mess of the Week
Tennessee man tells child support court he has 21 children
Desmond Hatchett says 21 children is enough for him. As if Octomom wasn't bad enough, a Tennessee man, 29 year old Desmond Hatchett has now fathered at least 21 children he can't support. Hatchett was in child support court again last week. His name appeared on the dockett 11 times in one day, representing 15 of his children. Hatchett says he wasn't out to set a record. He says he never intended to have this many children, "It just happened." He fathered the children by at least 11 different women and he claims all of the mothers knew about his large family. The children range in age from newborn to 11 years old. The question Knox County officials now face is how to support all these children. Hatchett works a minimum wage job and by law the state can only take 50% of his paycheck for child support. By the time that money is split 21 ways, some of the mothers get less than $2 per month. That leaves the taxpayers footing a large portion of the bill for these children. Even though Hatchett can't support the children he has, there is nothing the state can do to prevent him from having more. Hatchett reports that he had 4 children in one year, twice. He says he's done having children now, but only time will tell. He does say that he's a good father and knows the names, ages, and birthdates of all of his children. All of the blame can't be placed on Hatchett in this case. One has to wonder about the women who chose to have his children. In the end, the children and the taxpayers of Tennessee will pay for their choices for years to come.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Jon & Kate Plus 8

Sunday, May 24, 2009
Out on the Town
Pics Below!

Monday, May 18, 2009
Monday Motivation
Today was a crazy day for me. Let's just say it started with a case of the Monday's, then moved into a WHAT!! mode.. Then moved to a I can't wait to see this all fan out mode.
This morning I found out that the company I work for is re-organizing our office. This could mean a potential job loss or a great opportunity for me. Which one- I don't know. There are many changes that are going to be made, many doors that will open.
As I looked around at all of my co-workers today, I could sense the fear, the uncertainty, the anger. If you would have walked into my office this morning at 11:00 am you would have been severally disturbed. Several people were already talking about a severance, and sick pay, and vacation days- My company has not even announced which jobs may be changing. Hearing all of this made me sad. It made me wonder- Are these the same people that pray for me every night? Do they not know who holds tomorrow? Don't they know that God is in control?
In the face of this potential job loss, I felt a calm like never before. I know I will be fine. I know that my tomorrow, my next week, and my next month is ALREADY taken care of. God NEVER fails- and his favor and blessings STILL rain down into the hands of his believers. This change in my career may be what I need, to finally be able to do what I want. Like.. Become the next Sheila E..
Friday, May 15, 2009
Friday Foolishness
So.. I'm out to dinner with my mom and sister. Were at a casual dining establishment. Why Why Why?.. Does the hostess have cleavage down to her belly button? I mean seriously? That's a little much for a Friday at 5:30. What I want to know is why the manager seems to think this is ok? I mean really! That much cleavage is ok for.... Maybe someone going out to a party or a club. Cleavage is great for some people in some settings, but I don't want to see your boobies while I'm trying to enjoy my mini cheeseburgers and lemonade with my family. Just dang messy!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Grey's Anatomy.. Bring the tissue!

I also love the show because it is written by a Black woman. Shond Rhimes is a beast, when it comes to the show. Go Girl! I'm so proud that 1) a woman and 2) a Black woman writes one of tv's top shows. She does a great job with storylines and has a crazy way keeping you on the edge of your seat.
The season 5 finale aired tonight-5/14/09 If you missed it check it out on abc.com.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Knock, Knock
Friday, May 8, 2009
Friday Foolishness
It seems that some of the younger girls feel they need to show it all. And they do. Boobies, Butt, and anything else you could care to see.
This is bothers me because I have younger sister. I worry that she may feel that she needs to bare it all to be attractive. That is so not the case. To me it's not just about what you wear that makes you attractice. You can be just as beautiful in a sweater and jeans as you are in something revealing.-It's all about how you carry yourself. You don't have to show it all, or anything for that matter. My husband claims I look great in a raggedy tee and sweats, and he makes me feel beautiful in that same raggedy tee and sweats. I wouldn't have it any other way.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Pardon the Interupption... NOT
In my experience (my family & my years as server in a family restaurant) when a child is disruptive in public they are removed the situation. Period. How embarrassing it is to have a child disrupting your dinner as well as several others. In my family you best be believe we were on our best behavior. There was no staying around and acting out. If you were bold enough to do that, then you must have been bold enough to accept a good scolding and a impending whipping... Maybe that was just my house.
When was it acceptable for children to ruin a casual dining experience? Why should I have to sit next to a screaming child that apparently only I can hear? That is why, whenever possible my husband and I choose to dine in the bar. It's quiet, children aren't allowed and the servers are pretty cool-most of them haven't been hardened by the spaghetti throwing champions or the I love Barney corral. I have nothing against families dining out, in fact I think its great the families are dining together. My issue is with the parents that seem to the think that their dining experience is the only one that matters. NEWSFLASH.. We Matter too! We like going out to eat, we like the atmosphere of a restaurant just as much as you do. So please, the next time you are dining out with small children think of how their actions will affect the other diners.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
BET's Sunday Best
Tonight's episode was the final sing-off for the last 3. All of which were AWESOME! I don't know how the judges did it..Sadly, Latice was sent home, but I'm sure we will be hearing more from her. She was amazing. Honestly, the three women on that stage were three of the best un-signed singers I have EVER heard.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
The Break-Up: Part Two
Breaking up with someone in my opinion no matter how long you were together is one of the hardest things that you can go through. From the tears, the evil words that were spoke, to the giving back of gifts, to the awkwardness of seeing each other out in public afterwards, breaking up generally just sucks. I've been through more than my share of few breaks-ups, and out of all of them I can remember walking away from only one of them thinking "Wow that was easier than I thought." The whole do-da just stinks.
The entire process of a break-up is physically, and mentally draining on everyone involved, heck its even draining on the folks that are trying to be supportive of the two or three (in some cases) people trying get on with their lives. Speaking of which, oh the supportive friend, let me tell you from experience, that is a HARD job to fill. In my experience it's either on one side you want your friend or family member to be happy or you just want it all to just end nice and quick. In some cases you want both.
Whatever side you are on know this.. breaking up with someone can changed your life for the better or for the worse- it's up to you to decide on how.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Friday Foolishness: Where is the love?
Happy Friday Yall!
I work in the grocery industry. I just happen to work for the one the largest grocery stores in the U.S. In my younger days..lol I used to be a server in a rather well know resturant, so let's just say I'm an un-offical expert in GREAT Customer Service.
What happen to sales clerks speaking when you came into a store? Or what happen to a server re-filling your drink before your glass was half full? What happen to a thank you?
Sadly, due to the changes in the work force, some people are just doing what they can to keep food in their bellies, and clothes on their butts-I am all for that.
BUT.. Yes, there is a but. In my world, if your going to do a job-do it well dang it. I know that times are rough, but please don't get an attitude while at work and you work in the service industry-that just doesn't make sense. Trust me, I will go to your manager... Call it tattling, Call it being a B***H, so what. If I come/call your place of business, I expect to be treated nicely, I expect my clothes to get folded, before they are placed in the bag, and I for dang sure expect you to speak to me. Nothing gets under my skin more, than rude service workers. Why are you so angry? What did we (the public) do to make your job so freaking hard? Oh I know what we did- we expected you to treat us how you want to be treated. But instead, weve probably came/ called your place of employment with an made about somthing, had an attitude
(just like you), then we were on our cell phone, and the kicker, we didn't even say thank you when we were done. So, I ask you today, where is the love?