Good Afternoon.
Let me start this post by saying.. I don't like public restrooms.. I work everyday therefore I have to use them. So.. here goes.
Today I had to pee. In fact.. I had been holding it a while.. all because I'm not fond of public restrooms, not that my office doesn't have nice facilities.. it's just the thought of going to the bathroom in public.. and maybe, just maybe that it's not my bathroom at home. I love my bathroom. It's nice, cozy.. oh and it's mine! Oh yeah.. and I tend to get public pee phobia.. If I know someone is in restroom- I can't go. I don't know what it is- I. CAN'T. GO. Anyway. I go in the ladies restroom and all is quiet. There are 5 stalls. No one is in there. Perfect! I go to the fourth stall. Why that one? I don't know. I like it- as much as I can for a public restroom. So I'm in number 4. Which means that 1,2,3, & 5 are open. Someone walks in. "Oh No", I say quietly. There are 4 other stalls open in this ladies room. What does this person do. Sit in Stall number 3. Right next to me! Who does that? It took all I had not to say something. 4 Other freaking STALLS!
I'm out!
oh yeah.. and Happy April Fool's Day to you jokester's out there.
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